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Site Gallery presents the first UK solo show by New Zealand-born, Melbourne-based artist Daniel von Sturmer. The ambitious installation of new video works will be presented within a temporary architecture in the gallery created especially for the exhibition. This work will follow through strategies used when the artist represented Australia in the Venice Biennale 2007.

The work will link the two gallery spaces, mediating the viewer’s experience of the gallery context and the ‘work’ within it. A number of small video projection screens will be integrated into the fabric of the gallery and the new spatial intervention. Using these discrete elements the work forms a synthesis of experience in which the viewer is able to be an active, participatory agent and arbiter of meaning.
The new video works will play with the spatial dynamics of pictorial space using familiar everyday materials and objects in new and unexpected ways. The depicted spaces will reference and echo aspects of the structure and the gallery space itself, creating vignettes which interface the real and the pictorial. The videos are intended to be playful, humorous and thought provoking, referencing themselves as visual conceits and pointing to the construction of the visual language we rely on to describe and define the world.

Daniel von Sturmer:
Daniel von Sturmer’s work involves various media to explore questions about the nature of perception, the embodiment of time and how context and framing shape the meaning and experience of an artwork. They reveal video’s inherent ability to render space and time as malleable and elastic provoking questions about our conception of both. When presented in a gallery these works are often projected as short video loops in installations involving multiple screens, sculptural objects and architecturally scaled constructions.

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