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Applications are now closed.
We invite Sheffield contemporary visual artists to apply for a very special edition of our acclaimed Platform residency programme, supported by Making Ways.
Platform residencies have led many artists on to national and international success. Artists have credited the experience as a critical moment in their careers with many gaining important opportunities following the residency and using the initial work to fuel several years of artistic development. The residencies are perfect for artists who have an idea for a project that they want to develop.
Unlike a traditional research and development residency, visitors to the gallery will be able to enter the gallery space throughout and therefore public engagement is integral. This model of production works well for artists who are seeking to test new ideas in public and who are interested in connecting with others through their work. The artist selected will also have the opportunity to work with a mentor and a critical writer, to support them draw out ideas to the surface.
We will be commissioning one gallery-based residency during January/February 2017. The residency is open to artists who live/work in Sheffield and includes:
• a production budget
• a fee 
of approximately £1000
• use of the galleries and gallery resources for a period of 2 – 3 weeks
• the support of a project mentor
• a writer to produce a critical text on the artist’s practice
• a programme of public events
The deadline for applications is 5pm, Friday 6 January 2017.
Making your application
Application is made through completion of the online form below, and an email to Kirsty Young with supplementary information.
Supplementary information: you may submit up to four images, maximum combined size of 10MB, to accompany your application. To submit film / video media, please include a link to view media online in your email. If you have any access requirements and wish to submit your application in another format, and for any other enquiries regarding the application process, please email Kirsty.
Artists may apply individually or in collaboration with other artists or groups. If submitting as a collaboration, please nominate one person as the key contact for the proposal.
Please note you cannot save an incomplete application to return to at a later date. We recommend you write out your answers in advance, select your files for uploading, then complete the online form.
Terms and conditions:

  1. This edition of Platform has an open application process to which all Sheffield based visual artists i.e. those living/working in Sheffield, with a Sheffield postcode, may submit proposals
  2. Applications may only be submitted through the online form and image files sent via email.
  3. Applications must be received via the online application form by 5pm on Friday 7 January 2017. No late submissions will be accepted.
  4. All personal data and information submitted will be treated as confidential.
  5. An independent selection panel made up of curators and artists led by Site’s Artistic Director Laura Sillars will assess all applications and make the award
  6. One artist/group of artists will be selected in January 2017 to take part in a residency between January and February 2017.

Download a plan of the gallery with measurements.
Site Gallery gratefully acknowledges the support of Making Ways/Year of Making for generously funding this Sheffield Platform Residency.
Application Form:

Fill out my online form.
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